Thursday, September 17, 2009

29 weeks 'my little squash'

Time if FLYING! I can't believe I'm already 29 weeks pregnant. Baby Caroline is moving all the time! She wakes up with me in the morning and moves on and off all day long. She doesnt keep me up at night, which I'm hoping means she sleeps when I do... prayerful that she keeps that schedule when she's born! :) Ha! My stomach bounces and moves around with her now; its so funny to watch. I lay on my back at night, when she's the most active and its quite entertaining to watch and feel her moving around so much.

I'm seeing my DR every 2 weeks now--which made me realize how close I am to the end. At my last OB appt I had to take the Glucose test; drank the sickening sweet, Hawaiian punch tasting juice and sat for an hour. But thankfully no diabetes. I am, however, extremely anemic so I am now taking iron twice a day along with my Flintstones! Otherwise my visits continue to go well. I have gained less weight than I thought and about average according to the DR's, which makes me very happy...especially considering the cravings for chocolate lately and increased appetite. I guess I'm making up for 20 weeks of nausea and throwing up!!
My birthday came and went at the end of August--with a wonderful, and highly recommended for pregnant woman....'mother-to-be massage'. It was great! I have become less comfortable the bigger my belly gets and the massage really helped. Thank you Momma and Daddy! :)

I finally started painting Caroline's nursery...brown and pink, with a white chair rail. I have been super indecisive with the bedding and decor of her room because I'm a little on the obsessive side, but its all coming together finally, with the help of my wonderful mother-in-law! I will post pics asap! I can't wait to see it all done.

I have been really busy lately! I got to go to Charlotte for a few days with my mom, to visit my brother during his first week of teaching. We went to make sure his first few days went smoothly and of course, that he ate good and had plenty of washed and ironed clothes! :) It was a quick but good visit. Always good to see him and let him see Baby Caroline...since she tends to grow so much these days.
Benjamin and I in Charlotte

I'm getting really excited about upcoming baby showers and things really coming together in Caroline's room. I'm so excited to have her room ready for her! Its been such a fun experience, post being sick, to be pregnant! 11 weeks to go....

More belly, less hair -- 27 weeks!

This angle makes my belly look B-I-G! :)

1 comment:

  1. You lucky got a massage?? I'm so jealous right now. Anyhoo, Candice you look GREAT!! Your baby belly is adorable. I'm so glad to hear you are doing well. I can't wait to see the pics of Caroline's room. I bet it is super cute. How did the anemic thing come about? Is it just something common when pregnant?
    Take care girl. And I hope to see you soon at your shower!

    Oh and happy late birthday!! = )
