Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG)

So... along with the joys of expecting a baby, came the joys of morning sickness! : ) ...OR in my case, Hyperemesis, defined as severe and persistent nausea and vomitting during pregnancy!!

The first 2 weeks I knew I was pregnant were great. No nausea, no headaches. I felt good and focused on nothing more than finally being pregnant!!

The first day I felt sick was 6 weeks to the day! I was a little nauseous that morning but it came and went throughout the day. I knew that I would probably eventually get sick, but little did I know that the next several weeks would be so physically and mentally exhausting. I continued to be sick, which quickly became not only a morning occurance but an all day and sometimes throughout the night occurance as well, very rarely providing much relief.

It is very hard to explain the 'sickness' if you've never actually been pregnant and dealt with it personally. And although my poor husband doesnt understand what I've been going through, he's tried so very hard to help me as much as he can. He's had a hard time adjusting and understanding that once I've gotten sick off something, I dont want to eat it again... not now, possibly not ever! Pregnancy has definetly changed eating for me!!

I've heard every suggestion in the book, very few of which have worked. Ginger Ale and Saltines is the most common one. As of now, however, I could care less if I ever see, smell or taste either of the two ever again! : ) After trying numerous different 'remedies' and realizing there may not be anything that may work for me, I decided to pray and beg for mercy! : ) I did figure out that the Sea Bands--for motion sickness/morning sickness provided some relief to the constant nausea, but didn't get rid of it completely.
My DR's have also given me Phenergan which doesnt help much and Zofran, which I've only taken on days that I absolutely couldn't leave the bathroom! I have a new found respect for mothers everywhere, for enduring pregnancy...some more than once!

I have also had the pregnancy headaches/migraines that my DR's also say are very common. Those are not fun either, especially on top of the nausea and sometimes consistant vomitting that goes along with it.

If I had a dollar for everytime I've heard "it'll all be worth it in the end"... which I know is more than true, I'd be rich! I'm just praying for it to pass very soon... and hoping that the 2nd and 3rd trimesters are more enjoyable and I can end my intimate relationship with our bathroom! :)

1 comment:

  1. Girl I feel your pain on the migraines! They were miserable for me too. However I didn't have the sickness like you are experiencing so I can't say that I feel your pain there. Hopefully the flintstone vit. will work wonders for you! = ) I can't wait to hear what you are having! I think it is awesome that we are experincing pregnancy at the same time!!!
